
How TracPlus Supports Flight Schools

Flight training operators trust TracPlus to keep their students safe with real-time tracking, reliable messaging and powerful data insights to provide enhanced education. The result? An informed, safer, and more efficient flight training operation.

Flight training schools can now use the same flight tracking system trusted by first responders and air rescue pilots across the globe. 

At TracPlus it's our goal to enhance safety by giving you the ability to know the location of your fleet, staff and students — at all times. Here's how TracPlus can help you teach the next generation of pilots in a safe, well informed environment.

    1. Real-time GPS Tracking

    2. Enhanced Safety

    3. Event Alerting in an Emergency

    4. Reliable Two-Way Messaging

    5. Educate Your Students on how to fly Safely 

    6. Cost-Effective Solution


Real-time GPS Tracking

TracPlus offers real-time flight following so that you can know the location of your fleet and students, from anywhere in the world. You can view your student's location from any device, offering not only accessibility and ease but critical peace of mind.

TracPlus is our safety net. If anything goes wrong, TracPlus allows us to know exactly where our students are and what is going on.
Celroy Mascarenhas, New Zealand Airline Academy



Enhanced Safety


As a Flight Training provider, the safety of your students is your greatest concern. TracPlus helps to keep your students, and your reputation, safe by providing accurate real-time tracking on every solo flight with position reporting every 15 seconds — that’s a search area of less than one square kilometre.

Event Alerting in an Emergency


Our emergency monitoring service delivers peace of mind by ensuring your team is actively monitored, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. With TracPlus, you will be notified immediately and can respond to events as they happen. Within seconds of an emergency activation or automatic detection of an emergency, we will contact your nominated In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts using your preferred method.

Reliable Two-Way Messaging

Our messaging system is extremely robust in both cellular and satellite networks. Know you can reliably message to-and-from your cockpit and operations centre via text, email or via the TracPlus app. 

TracPlus not only allows us to keep our students safe, but it’s a vital training tool here at Christchurch Helicopters. Unfortunately, when students are learning to fly, they make mistakes, such as busting airspace or infringing areas they shouldn’t be. With TracPlus, I can go back and show students exactly where they went wrong, and how to improve next time.
Kevin Walsh, Christchurch Helicopters



Educate your students on how to fly safely


When students are learning, they're often prone to making mistakes. Ensure your students are flying within their limits with TracPlus. Offer immediate feedback through our messaging system if required, or offer this feedback in through our Mission Reports PDF's post-flight. With TracPlus, your instructors and students can review any flight on screen, as well as automatically receive flight reports showing the track flown as well as altitude, terrain, track and speed graphs, with highly accurate flight and engine run times. This data is valuable for students and great to add to their notes for further study and improvement. 

Cost-Effective Solution

We know that in business, every dollar counts. Our portable tracking devices can be easily switched between aircraft. With unlimited tracking in cellular coverage, there’s no need to turn off tracking in the circuit. To cut costs further, you can suspend tracking at the press of a button. This is all backed by the lowest cost per hour airtime plans in the industry, and lease options that mean no upfront capital cost.


If you have any questions about how TracPlus can help you improve safety, efficiencies, and offer your business an effective training tool, please get in touch with our team. 

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